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Thomases in India

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Heading north on the Shatabdi Express

July 8th, at dawn: our groggy group left the hotel in a nice air-conditioned bus. Our suitcases were going to school on a separate baggage truck. The large bus cannot drive into the train station proper, so we walk single-file through the lively dusty helter-skelter crowd of pushcarts, pedi-cabs, auto-rickshaws, various street vendors, and other train passengers.

It was Hot -- probably 35 degrees (95F) and 95% humidity-- and bewildering, with few signs or pathways. And we were not protected from scenes of poverty. But it did not feel dangerous, and we did not see any beggars [We have seen very few beggars throughout our stay thus far.], nor obnoxious salesmen.

Perhaps the early hour, with its reduced crowds, allowed us to all make our way to the platform for the Shatabdi Express [Shatabdi=Century] to Dehra Dun.

OnBoard the train, in our 2ndClass A/C seats. [In an expression of equality and fraternity, the Indian Railways abolished the term "3rd class". Now, most people ride 2nd-class: 2nd-class regular, or 2nd-class sleeper, or 2nd-class A/C seat, or 2nd-class A/C sleeper. ]


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