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Thomases in India

Monday, April 10, 2006

Palm Sunday in Mussoorie

It is Palm Sunday at St. Paul's Church, where we held a joint service with the Hindustani Woodstock Church. Their youth choir waved palms as part of their song.

Reverends Anita and Eric Templeton led the service.

A view of the scripture reading and the altar and stained glass windows.

Mussoorie's churches join on Palm Sunday for a procession through the town, as the one Christian religious procession of the year. The procession starts from the Landour Cantonment border, at the top of Mullingar Hill. In this first picture, Rev.Templeton is acting as traffic cop during the preparations -- and riding on the scooter is Mr.John, a P.E. teacher at Woodstock!

During the preparations, a policeman came by to help guide traffic. This view looks east, toward Woodstock about 1km in the distance along Tehri/Chamba Road.

One church, the Evangelical Friends Church, serves the local hill people, who came dressed in festival finery.

Shopkeepers look on.


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